Happy Halloween!

Hey Dads, Halloween is creeping up on us, and if you’re co-parenting, it’s not just the ghosts you might be worrying about. The holiday can feel like a minefield, but it doesn’t have to be a horror show. Here’s your guide to making Halloween sweet for everyone involved.

Planning: Not Just for the Paranormal

Let’s get it straight: last-minute arrangements are scarier than any haunted house. Here’s what to pre-arrange:

1. Costume Quest

Shopping for the kiddo’s costume? Make it a tag-team event. If you can’t be there for trick-or-treating, at least you got to be part of the fun in choosing the outfit. Be smart—agree on some ground rules like weather-appropriateness and kid-approval.

Co-Parenting Halloween

2. Scheduling Spook-festivities

Some parents love Halloween; others just can’t stand the witching hour. If you’re the former, maybe you should keep the candy-collecting duties year-to-year. No harm, no foul. But if you’re both up for it, how about a joint trick-or-treating mission? Yes, it’s a thing and could be an awesome experience if you’re on good terms. If not, a picture or two of the kiddos can go a long way in sharing the spirit.

3. Healthy Haunting

Look, it’s one night of sugar rush, but we can mitigate the damage. Agree on candy rationing and make sure the teeth get an extra good brush. Also, remember, COVID-19 didn’t check the calendar; keep the safety protocols intact.

The Heart of Halloween

The key ingredient to a successful Halloween is a mature, flexible approach. Can you attend a pumpkin patch trip together? Fantastic. But if doing anything together is bound to turn into a real-life horror movie, separate activities may be the best trick to treat everyone right.

So, how do you navigate Halloween while co-parenting? Drop your tips or questions below or shoot a DM. Let’s make Halloween a treat for our kids, no matter the circumstances.

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